Home » Gallery-en » Sculpture » Figures
A-9 Lace Cup Porcelain 8h
A-16 B Brigitte 27x35cm
A-16 Chubbies
A-16 Isabelle 35x14cm
A-16 V Valery 11x30cm
A-19 S&L Senioritas 75-80h
A-20 a&b Ballarinas Detail
A-20 Odette & Odile Ballarinas 75-80h
A-21 Arachni figures 30/35-65/70cm
A-35 Satyrus Balls 13cm
A-39 b Platter Perforated & A-39 c Vase Perforated
A-40 S&L Sphere with Couple 18/25cm
A-40 Small 18cm
A-41 & A-42 Stair and Teeter-Totter
A-41 Teeter Totter 37cm
A-42 Double Step ladder 37cm
A-43 ABC Anna Annita Anninos 42-47h
A-44 A B C Sculpture 42-47h
A-44 ABC Sculpture 42-47h
A-44 B Sculpture Detail
Sculpture under the sun
A-44 Sculptures
A-44 Sculpture
B-18 Sculpture 42-47h
B-19 ABC Engraved Bust Kornilia Caesar Ophelia 40-42h
B-40 & B-43 Tube Vazes 30-38-48cm
E-7 Square Cutout Platter 28x28cm
E-8 A Luna Platter 42cm
E-8 B Platter Ianos 42cm
E-25 S&L Engraved Sphere 20/30cm
E-40 & E-43 Tube Vazes SML 30-38-48cm
K-14 & 15 Spaniards Alfonso & Lolita 25x42cm
K-14 Spanish Carmen
K-17 A Ismini 32x55h
K-17 Young Boy with necklace 55cm
K-18 Archaic Torso 40-42h
K-22 Black Gloves 45-55cm
K-24 Hand with Evil Eye 30cm
K-30 E Lake 15x30cm
K-30 Piscine
M-17 Small Boulis 35cm
M-19 Large Boulis 50x45x55cm
M-19b Large Boulis 50x45x55cm
M-20 Chubbies
M-20 G Gisele 35x25cm
M-20 H Hermione 40x30cm
M-20 I J K
M-23 F V T Chubbies on Grey
Teresa 25x12x24cm
M-22 Valery 30h
M-30 Medusa 25x28cm
Tristan & Isolde Unique Busts
N-46 sculpture Colours
N-46 Odule sculptures 20x28 30x36cm
N-46 Odule sculpture 20x28 30x36cm
M-33 Nireas & Okeanis 16/75 x 16cm
M-31 Paris & Elen 34/36cm
M-30 Medusa 25x28cm
M-22 E Eleonore 20x18x35cm
M-20 W Winona 25X11X15cm
Ursula & Winona
M-20 U Ursula 34x11x15cm
M-20 A Amelie
M-18 Boula
M-16 -19 Baby Boom
L-53 Tube Sculpture Black
L-52 Tube Sculpture ABCDEF
L-52 S Tube Sculpture E & F
L-42 Tube Couples A/B Black
L-42 Tube Couples A\B
L-41 Dama Rigas White 42/47cm
L-18 White Masks 35cm
K-33 Yolli and Yllos 34/36cm
K-32 fun girl 32x24cm
K-30 F Couple 15x10cm
K-18 ABC Ancient greek busts
K-17 Friends
K-17 Boy With Necklace
K-14/15 Spanish
K-14 Spanish girl
k-12 13 details
K-12 13 Danae Danaos 25x40cm
B-19 BCA Ancient greek busts
B-18 Dama Rigas 42/47cm
Aphrodites Sculptures
A-48 Marry & Poppie 47cm
A-44 Dama & Rigas
A-35 Grey Sphere 'Satyrus'
A-16 U Ursula
Valery Colours
A-16 D Dolores 20x20x35cm
A-10 S L Sculptures Family 15/30cm